terpaksa beli arh~

bangau o bangau.......

@ wildlife park

excitednye!! he3

brape meter dari paras laut tah..

sweet memo
Assalammualaikum. Countdown PMR?? Rasanya,ada disebalik pintu je..hehe (trauma nak bukak pintu lepas ni) tak insaf2 juga...
Erm,new class~3 Hech, keyh,no probz..good girls in tha list... tapi guys..mak oii.. @_@
well,only some of them-lah, Faris jgn amik aty..haha~sorry2...
Though,sedih nak separate dengan member2 3T yang dah sekepala.. redha!!
I've been a sceptical person..untill someone telling me
to think positive ALWAYS well,he's quite right,x semua benda yang kita nampak buruk
tak ada kebaikannya langsung,dont judge a book by its cover..
er,x kenal maka x chenta..hahaha~~
Mungkin ada hikmah disebalik semuanya..Fokus Tiera! Fokus! Allah x kan ubah nasib sesuatu kaum,melainkan ia yg merubah dirinya sendiri.
apa2 pun,angin Langkawi masih terasa... [kui3..maklumla 1st time pergi] Aaaaaaaaa....gila tengok chocs banyak2 Especially choc belgian-hearts uh.. waaaaaaa...sweet craving..he3 :) Balik sekolah,catuan perbelanjaan..heheh.. ***kopak la uh***
paling suka naik cable car...feel like flyin'...haha
Just a quicknote; This life is like a novel,many chapters read and forgotten But there's a chapter i'll keep forever;and thats when we become friends~ Labels: holidays